It's not in too bad shape, behind the shed is a mass of brambles that I'll have to chop down eventually - but the plan is to work this half in the foreground and then sort the half behind the shed out as/when we can fit it in (I say we, I mean me ;)).
Chickens wise... we've gone from this:
To this:
To this so far (concrete laid, via a few fence boards removed and a skillful driver poking the chute through and dumping a cubic metre of concrete in the area:
Eventually, it'll be home to their new coop (that needs painting - probably done later on during summer):
Oh, and the light sussex has gone broody again (second time since feb). She wasn't impressed trying out the above ladder I can tell you!
All this whilst El has been very ill with her pregnancy has ensured we've been through a tough few months! So much so, that all the stuff I sowed in the previous post has died due to neglect. So I've re-started.. have sown a few more sungolds, and golden sunrise with a couple of aubergines inside, along with some beetroot, marigolds (first time growing flowers!), mixed salad leaves and little gem lettuce (outside). This weekend I'm planning on sowing some more chillies.
Hi again both of you and i must say how well you have done Christopher what lucky chickens i think they will love their new home and reward you with lots of eggs !!!! its a shame that your earlier sowings died but sounds like you have it under contol with further sowings Dave has put the potatoes and onions in along with carrot which Mya has dug up har har she thinks its her personal digging bed we have Lupins come through and did have sweet pea they decided not to stay oh dear !!! i also have alpine strawberries with flowers on !!! not real at this time of year and i confess to buying some lettuce plants and 1 tomatoe plant very bad i know and thats it keep on bloging as loveley to know whats happening Luv Sue xxx